Monday, September 27, 2010

A Sunday afternoon visitor!

We were out behind our barn yesterday just checking on some cattle. Look at who came to visit us.'s Mr. Moose! :) He stopped walking and took a good, long look at us.

He turned away from us as if he was really contemplating the situation.

He didn't stay long...he promptly turned around and started walking away. So much for our Sunday afternoon visitor!

I will be back on be sure to stop by then. As always, remember to leave me a message and make this Farmchick's day!! :)


  1. It's deer season here any visitor like him would be staying for dinner. :)

  2. How fun is that? We have them here too. Once we saw a mom with a calf even. My cowboy called her Mary Moose for the longest time. They are soo big I'm always glad when they head the other way.

  3. What a Beauty! Love the picture!
    I would flip out seeing one, we don't have them in are area!
    Thanks For sharing, I was excited just seeing him!

  4. How cool that you saw a moose! They are a rare sighting here, I have never seen one. Hubby has. Our 6 yr old has a stuffed moose and it's her most favorite toy.

  5. Wow! Those things are masive! I didn't realize how much muscle and width a moose has. Thanks for the pictures!

  6. Wow! What a great photo! I have never seen a moose in person before and would love're so lucky!

  7. Nice pics. But I have a question. I live in VA so I know nothing about Moose so please bear with me. How much damage do the Moose do to your crops, fences, etc. I live further north but VA is going to restock Elk in the southwestern counties and many of the farmers there are concerned about the damage an animal that size will do. Where I live we have deer and bear and they can do a lot of damage in the corn fields. Thanks.

  8. How cool is that?!!
    We don't have them over here, so I always enjoy seeing them.
    Love the pictures!

  9. How cool is THAT!! No moose in Missouri :)!!! Thanks for sharing that with us.

  10. Just be glad it was from afar!
    We rounded the corner coming home from camping to see one standing in the middle of the road! face to face with our children in the top of the camper!! They are very tall!
    Scared the snot out of the kids..he he..

  11. What an incredibly beautiful visitor. I can't imagine having that beauty walk up into my yard. A blessing, I think.

  12. What a beautiful creature. I've never seen one before so I think it is neat that you've got one that close.

  13. No moose down here, but we did have a doe and buck in our backyard when we were picking cotton a couple of days ago. The doe was running, but the buck just stood there and stared at us for the longest. Just as I was about to take a picture, somebody cranked up a cotton picker and scared it off, lol.

  14. What a handsome fella. We had one not as big as your visitor and he hung around at the river's edge drinking for 20-25 minutes. Sadly that was before we got our digital camera.
    Great shots, thanks for sharing them. :o)

  15. Now isn't that cool! -- I would love to see a moose - but may not ever in my parts... I'm sure glad you had your camera with - thanks for sharing! Oh I love your new header!

  16. How cool is that! We dont have them here.. but there are about a million deer around here!
    have a great week

  17. How cool is that! We dont have them here.. but there are about a million deer around here!
    have a great week

  18. That is very interesting. They are beautiful creatures but with a dangerous reputation. I think you are one of the fortunate ones!

  19. Wow That is so cool! A moose with an attitude!
    until next time... nel

  20. Neat pics! We have elk and deer in Arkansas but no moose. It is deer season and they are everyone. Sunday we saw a mama and her 2 fawns.

  21. What a great shot of your visitor.
    I have never seen one in real life.
    The deer in this area is really bad again this time of year.
    thanks for sharing that with us.

  22. Wow! Can't imagine just randomly running into a Moose! LOL

    Very cool pics. Hope all is well with you and your family. We are good here in KS, just keeping busy and finally enjoying some cooler temps. Take care.

  23. Wow you were pretty clcose and got some good shots of him! Nice!!

  24. "a young man looking for love" Its that time of the year, and you took some excellent shots!

  25. Maybe he was stopping by Farmchick's Kitchen to find out what was for dinner. He's a fine specimen too with that shiny coat. Glad you took pictures. xxoo

  26. These are great photos! How cool:)


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