Monday, April 6, 2015

Hello friends.....

Hello friends.  How are you?

I hope that you all had a blessed Easter and were able to enjoy your day with family.  I like to imagine Easter as a beautiful spring day on the prairie...with the sun shining, a slight and warm breeze blowing and birds chirping loudly in the trees.  Of course that is not what actually happened here in North Dakota...instead we had snow and wind!  In spite of the weather we were still able to enjoy our Easter.  Our Easter eggs this year are lovely and vibrant colors-I always add in my Ukrainian eggs just because they are so beautiful!  

The forecast for our area is to warm up and not have much moisture.  If this holds true than we will be in the field soon planting our crops.  #plant15  

If you have stopped by to visit...thank you!  I know I have not been blogging a lot lately.  Please remember to stop by my facebook page and my instagram too. You will see me there more often!  

I will be back soon with some great ideas for meals on the go...good for farmers in the field or anyone on the move!  

Thank you to all who have emailed me...I am still here and I so appreciate you thinking of me.  :) 

Tania - Farmchick 


Thank you so much for visiting me today! I enjoy having
guests around the farm! Come again!