Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sunset and bales on our farm.......

Happy Sunday to you all!

I know it has been a terribly long time since I have posted.  I really miss all of my blogging  friends and followers.

Here at our farm we are waiting patiently for spring to come and stay.  Yes, we have had some very nice days but then it suddenly turns cold again! Like right now...I just saw a very tiny snowflake swirling through the air.   I'm ready to be outside in my garden or sitting on our porch. ;).

We were out checking cattle the other evening and I took this pretty picture of our bales and the sun setting.

I would love to hear from you so leave a comment please!  :)

By the way,  I am going to have a give away and the details will be coming soon on my Facebook page.  If you are on Facebook, please consider heading to my page and liking it.  You can find the link right here on the right hand side of my blog.  Thanks!


  1. What a wonderful picture! I am going to go look for your Facebook page!

  2. That is a wonderful picture, I do miss what you haven't been posting, but then I haven't been a very good poster all winter so I can understand.

  3. Beautiful picture!

    I am so ready for spring/summer! Too much cold this winter!

  4. Love this photo!!

  5. Great picture of the bales against the sunset!


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