Saturday, November 30, 2013

Hello friends. It looks like I have been gone for a very, very long time though I assure you....I am still here! I have been much more active on my Facebook page and my Instagram.  I really appreciate the emails that I received from friends/followers who were wondering if I was alright.  Truth be told...those emails are what prompted me to come back now.  Don't get me wrong...I LOVE blogging...but this last year I have found myself short on time.  I do have tons of pictures and recipes backlogged so I am not short on material!

I had 16 people in our dining room for Thanksgiving Dinner on Thursday.  I have to say...dinner went off without a hitch...thanks to  a little organization starting a few days before Thanksgiving.   I served many of our family favorites.  Today I am going to share one of my favorites...Festive Wild Rice.  The cranberries give it just the right amount of sweetness added to the savory.  Yesterday while eating a bit of the leftovers I realized that if you just added some leftover turkey to the rice it would be a delicious casserole.  I am sharing the original recipe and if you want to throw in some leftover turkey....go for it!

Festive Wild Rice

3 cups cooked wild rice
3 cups cooked white rice
*follow the directions on your rice package but use chicken broth for the liquid instead of water*

5 Tablespoons melted butter
1 cup slivered almonds
8 green onions
15 oz can of sliced mushrooms
1 cup slivered almonds
salt and fresh cracked pepper to taste  *I use quite a bit of pepper*
1 cup Craisens (dried cranberries)

Mix the rice together in a casserole dish.  In a saute pan toast the almonds lightly in the butter. Add the sliced green onions and cook until translucent.  Add the cranberries and mushrooms and cook for a minute or so.  Add the contents of the pan to the mixed rice..add salt and fresh cracked pepper.  Taste and season to your liking.  This how you would serve it for Thanksgiving.  Later you can add as much leftover turkey as you desire.  Enjoy! 

I would love to hear from you so leave me a comment.  Once again...I am sorry I have been gone sooo long!


  1. My mom makes a dish close to this with chicken added. I think I will give her a call today and hint that we should be invited over for it soon! :)

    The cranberries give it a festive look!

  2. Was just thinking of you last I was attempting to make your crescent rolls. Good to hear from ya!

  3. Oh My Goodness!! Cranberries and Rice in the same dish I so have to try this....Thank you for sharing


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