Monday, December 13, 2010

Farm Photos -Snowflake

“Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things,
but just look at what they can do when they stick together.”

I took this photo the other day when we were out feeding cattle. If you look closely you can see a perfect snowflake standing on top of the snow. I think it is sooo pretty. God sure has provided us with so many beautiful things....if we would only STOP and look around. :)

Hoping your week is off to a great start.

Please leave me a comment and say I know you were here. I can't return the visit if I don't know you were here!!!


  1. Oh, Girl!
    What a beautiful Picture!
    You sure captured the Beauty of
    "Mother Nature"! So amazing isn't it!
    Thanks for sharing,
    Keep warm & safe

  2. I remember as a child being so aware of the snowflakes...something we need to hold on to even as we are all grown up..they are so magical! :D

  3. Very Pretty picture! No snow in my neck of the woods-Florida.

  4. Hi doll, just a quick pass through, but i wanted to be sure to stop for a sec to leave a quick hello! Ive been by a few times lately and not left a comment.. seems Im always in such a hurry! I wish I could be home for about a month.. just relaxing!
    oh well, enough wishful thinking! Love the picture of the snowflake.. great capture!
    have a sweet week

  5. That's beautiful! Rarely do we get the chance to see one by itself. Thanks for sharing your photo!

  6. Nice shot ! Have a warm and happy day !

  7. Awesome photo!
    Have a great Holiday season!

  8. Beautiful photo! I love when I'm wearing something dark and the snowflakes are falling onto it and you can see the precious detail of each flake.

    We haven't had much snow so far this December. Just lots of cold nasty wind.

    Blessings from Jessica

  9. Beautiful picture! You're absolutely right--we all need to stop from time to time to appreciate all of the beauty God has given us!

  10. beautiful! we've had snow also, but the grandgirls were visiting and it was soooo cold, I didn't get to go out and enjoy the snow fall. I will for sure during the next one. (because you know there will be a "nexzt one")

  11. What a beautiful way to show off God's wonders. Thanks so much for sharing it. I kinda knew you were getting hit hard. How's the chair out in the yard? :) xxoo

  12. wow, you did get a pretty awesome snowflake there :)

  13. Wow thats pretty cool I dont think ive ever noticed an idividual snowflake in a picture like that before.

  14. Love the photo and the quote!! Thanks for sharing. Julie

  15. That is amazing how clear that itty bitty little snowflake shows up in allll that snow! Great picture!

  16. That sure is an amazing photo.
    I did notice that lil flake.
    We do need to stop and look around and see the beauty God gives us each day.
    No snow here yet, but we are suppose to get freezing rain turn snow later today.
    Have a great day.

  17. Oh my gosh! I saw that beautifully formed snowflake right away before I even read your post. Great picture!

  18. wow!!! awesome shot!

    just found your blog, love it!

    yes, God is truly amazing!
    i'm your newest follower :)

  19. That picture is GREAT! God does provide beautiful pics...all the time. I am going to make an effort to look for more!
    Sounds like you have COLD weather...we are so dry here..need some moisture. Have a wonderful week.
    Your new header is great!


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