Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas is over and a Farm photo

{Mischief our cat...keepin' an eye on the pheasants.}

I wish CHRISTMAS wasn't over.....but it is. It comes and goes so quickly now. Thankfully, we still have vacation from school.....I like having all my chicks in our nest. ;)

They are forecasting another big blizzard heading our way. More SNOW!!! My farmer has been busy moving snow in order to get in and out of our yard and to get to the cows in order to feed them.

I am going to be posting a few good recipes shortly. I hope you will come back to check them out. I made a few new things last week but did not have the time to take pictures.

I really don't want to take down the Christmas decorations and our tree. I love looking at the lovely colors and twinkling lights. I think I shall wait until after the New Year. :)

When do you take down your Christmas tree and decorations? Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to leave me a comment.....it will make my day....really, it will!! :)


  1. We don't have any snow as of yet but their are forecasting a big one this weekend.
    I am so ready for warm weather and green on the trees.
    I take my decorations down after the New Year.
    Have a nice day.

  2. It's been non-snowy around here which is unusual. But I hear we'll finally get some at the end of the week. I won't hold my breath.

    We usually take down decorations and the tree after the New Year. I like to have holiday decorations up for the whole month. :)

  3. No snow here...just 40's DRY and brown. Not too pretty!

    Have a wonderful new year!

  4. We dodged the bullet here with the snow. Only a trace of it and most of it is already gone and temps are expected to rise to the 50's New Years day!!!
    I will take down the Christmas decor in the beginning of January, but will leave out anything wintry or snow like related until closer to spring.
    Can't wait to see those recipes!
    Stay warm and enjoy your chicks!

  5. We had a white Christmas here! First time ever! It was only an inch but it was enough to cause some major excitement (as in, road closures, disappearance of milk and bread, and basically just an all out panic!). I always start taking my Christmas down on New Years Day!

  6. Like the cat!On the Prowl!

    Just a coat of snow here, but cold teens, today sun is warming up!
    Thursday they are calling for temps in the upper 30's not looking forward to that, rather it just stay cold, too much of a change it is too hard on the animals, as you know!LOL!

    Been takin down the decorations...slowly!
    Have a Happy New Year!

  7. Love the picture of the cat he looks just like ours. We take our tree and decorations down after New Years. Rebekah

  8. I am hearing that it is suppose to be in the 50's by Friday! Rain is coming with that so all of the snow we have will melt. I keep telling my heartbroken daughter that winter has just begun and there will be more snow!

    I usually leave my tree up until New Year's Day.

  9. Hope you enjoy your tree & decorations all week :) I took ours down on Sunday :( Mostly because I knew this week would be too filled with other catching up things! Hope the blizzard goes around you...I soooo understand that winter weather...snow...='s LOTS of work when you have animals...my poor babies are surrounded by muck & mud from our last round of snow melting off...and the rain we've had for two days! Praying you a wonderful 2011 filled with many Sweet blessinsg!

  10. Our decorations are down as of today. I really enjoy the lights and decorations but once Christmas is here and the house becomes cluttered with everything then I am ready to take it all down.

  11. I don't put the decorations up until about two weeks before Christmas so always leave them till after New Years....

  12. Well, just come on down to the Ponderosa. We aren't havein' our big old Christmas bash 'till Saturday. Hey, a girl will take what she can get. It's the time I could get everyone together and that's OK by me.

    Girl, Mischief...what a great name for a cat. Love the Pic.

    God bless ya and enjoy your week sweetie!!!

  13. We had a White Christmas here in Alabama! As for decorations, mine came down today. I am exhausted....more fun to put them up than to take them down!

  14. You are so full of the Christmas spirit here!! Many blessings to you and yours.

    Decorations...since I was so late in gettin' them up...I think I'll be late takin' 'um down ;~)

    ~Happy New Year~

  15. No snow here. It was in the 70s today! I'll be taking my decorations down this weekend. I always wait till after the new year.

  16. He girl, I was just here a couple of days ago. I was a lurker I guess you wouyld call it. Anyway I toured your blog and farm and enjoyed all the pics. Thanks for stopping by.

  17. I love your snow.
    We were 65 degrees today which is so rare for Missouri right now. It was nice.

    I take down Christmas the day or two after Christmas but I leave up some lights and greenery with snow flakes and in a couple of weeks I exchange the snow flakes for Valentine decorations. I already put some of my Valentines on my greenery and will post my pictures tomorrow. The winter are months are so dreary without some festive lights.

    You have a wonderful New Years~


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