Thursday, November 11, 2010

Just a quick PEEK at what's been happening...

First off....I hope you are all having a wonderful Veteran's Day and have taken time to remember all who have sacrificed so much for our freedom.

Freedom is never free. ~Author Unknown


A peek at what's going on here......

*My dear, sweet 93 year old Gramma has gone on to be with the Lord.

* I am sad...but happy she is no longer in pain and is with my Grampa whom she missed a lot.

*We have only 80 acres left of sunflowers to harvest.

*I am cleaning out closets etc...preparing for new carpet upstairs in our house.

*Enjoying having my kids home from school with a four day weekend.

*I am thankful for my wonderful life with my beautiful family. :)

We can all certainly be thankful for our freedom. Tell me one thing you are thankful for today.


  1. So much to be thankful for! I am so thankful for God's mercy and grace. I am thankful for the freedom we eperience daily in America. We live in a blessed counry. So thankful to all our men and women who serve to keep our country free!

  2. Hi...I am sorry about her passing..but it can be a good thing, I understand that. I am thankful for a fresh blanket of beautiful made my world a gorgeous place! :D

  3. Today, I am most thankful for our Veterans. Including my Dad!

    So sorry to hear about your Grandmother. However, comforted that she is in a wonderful place and watching over you with love.

  4. I am thankful for choosing to live in a small town where I am able to spend a lot of time with my children. Sorry to hear about your grandma.

  5. Sorry to hear about your grandma !
    I am thankful for my country home, my wonderful husband,children, family and friends.

  6. Sorry to hear about your Gramma, but 93, thats pretty impressive!
    I am thankful mostly that I dont have to work (well except for on the ranch, but thats not really work)

  7. So sorry to hear about your grandma. It sounds like she had a fulfilling/long life and that's what matters.

    I am thankful for my family, health and that I get to stay home with my boys during the week. :)

    (You asked about my red paint. I used Rustoleum-American Accents-Colonial Red It can come out pretty bright but the black base coat toned it down)

    Your cube steak sandwiches look delish!!

  8. Sorry about your Grandmother. But I can relate to the relief you feel that she is no longer in pain.
    I felt the same about both my parents and my brother.
    I am thankful that I live in the USA!

  9. So sorry to hear about your grandma.

    I am thankful for my family and for all the blessing that God has given me.

    Happy to hear that you are about done with harvest.
    have a great weekend

  10. I am thankful for my hubby, sugar. I don't think they get enough recognition! But this man goes above and beyond the "call" of hubby, church leader, vet, father, grandfather and great grandfather. He's phenomenal!

    Getting harvest done, huh?!


  11. I am thankful for gentle people with kind hearts. Have a great weekend. Julie

  12. I'm thankful for a lot of things, but right at this moment...I'm thankful for YOU. :-)

    I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your precious gramma. Praying for you and your family.


  13. I have MUCH to be thankful for...

    Sorry to hear about your Grandma. Prayer to you and you! family.

    Take care.
    Love your new header, very cute!

  14. I'm sorry to hear about your grandma, but it makes me smile to think of her being back with your grandpa!

  15. A bit late but I'm thankful for the nice folks I've met blogging. Who knew?

  16. Tried to leave a comment, but I guess it didn't take.

    Wanted you to know I am sorry to hear about your Gramma. I know though that God has welcomed her home and she's happier than ever. I know cause my Auggie is there.

    I'm thankful for family and great blogging friends. xxoo

  17. So thankful I found your blog :) It always makes me smile and inspires me!!!

    So Sorry to hear about your Gramma....praying sweet memories of her forever warm your heart! Sweet blessings!


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