Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pumpkins and Gourds Galore!

Just a few pictures of pumkins and gourds.
It is FALL after all!

I even put a few of the Jack-Be- Little Pumkins
in my light fixture above our dining room table.
I am so glad I planted these sweet lil punkins
and so glad that they grew so well this year.
I just LOVE them!

Here is a close up of the lil punkins I have in
basket by our dining room fireplace.

Here is the basket full of Jack-Be -Littles. :)

Aren't these little Robin's Egg Gourds just so cute too?
I love the little green striped ones...they
remind me of miniature watermelons!

A pumpkin from my garden next to my last
pot of that escaped the majority
of the frost but did get a touch of it as you can see.

The rest of the pumpkins I grew in my garden.
Things are still pretty busy around the farm. Today we are harvesting soybeans. The weather has been beautiful and harvest is moving right along.

OH....I made this delicious cake for my brother's birthday.
The frosting was SOOOOOOOOO good. I will be posting the
recipe for both in a few days.

What's happening in your neck of the woods?
Leave me comment and tell me about it!


  1. Your little pumpkins and gourds are so cute. Are they hard to grow. I should try some next year. Can't wait to see your recipe, that cake and frosting look really good. Been busy putting all summer garden stuff away for winter and plastic on some outbuilding windows that aren't real good anymore. Trying to get done while weather still good here in MN. Have a great weekend! jo

  2. That cake looks so good! We're trying to finish up picking cotton...160 acres left!

  3. Your cake looks so yummy. Can't wait for you to post the receipe.

    Love your fall decor.

  4. Those little pumpkins are adorable and the cake looks dangerous!

  5. I have been finishing up sewing projects and I hope this weekend to get the last of the tomatoes out of the garden. I am ready for it to just be dirt. I am ready for it to go to bed.

    I just saw a idea for my gourds. I have a couple of trash cans filled with last years gourds so I am going to try it and see how it looks.

  6. Beautiful gourds and pumpkins. So many to decorate with...enjoy!

  7. I guess you have a few pumpkins on your porch! lol!
    I have about 10.. but I HATE paying for them.. One of these years I just may grow my own too.
    Cake looks delicious.

  8. Love Love Love the pumpkins(you can never have to many pumpkins) and the Autumn touch to your chandelier. The cake looks oh so delicious!

  9. That's a bountiful harvest. I love pumpkins, pie, jack'o'lanterns, seeds, painting on them just love pumpkins

  10. The little gourds are so cute, I like the striped ones too!

  11. Love those punkins and gourds, too. I've gotta scratch up a place and grow some of my own next year.
    That cake does look delicious. Do share!!
    Around here? Birthdays, homework, work, school....busy, busy, busy!

  12. Pumpkins everywhere;love it.
    My neck of the woods:corn picked and stalks baled up, 1st load of steers went to market, another will be in November, took calves away from the Mamma cows, they cried & cried, lost their voices, but all have their voices back now & they are all eating & eating! Their winter coats are beginning!
    No frost at our farm, others around at low lying areas have been hit, it is getting late everyday I expect to hear frost warning tonight!
    Have a beautiful Fall Friday & watch for the full moon Saturday!
    Take care & bless!

  13. Cake looks great and so do your photos. Have a great weekend.

  14. I love growing pumpins, but have never grown the little ones or gourds, maybe will have to try next year.

  15. I love the pumpkins and gourds you grew.
    Your cake sure does look yummy and I hope that you share the recipe.
    have a great weekend.

  16. wow! Now I want some cake :)

    Happy Fall to you ~

  17. Arghhh...we are expecting our first snow storm this weekend!

    Not on my list of fun things to do on the weekend!

  18. All of your little pumpkins look great for fall decor and you have sooo many of them!
    Can't wait to see the recipe for that delicious looking cake.

  19. It looks so nice in your house. Great fall decorating. I didn't grow my own pumpkins this year and I really do miss them!

  20. uhm. I been working in the woods all week, and weekend long. But now,

    YUMMM! cant wait for the recipe!

  21. I'm so jealous of your pumpkins! I've been wanting some to decorate our entrance but don't want to pay the price they want around here. And that cake, oh my goodness, it looks yummy!

  22. What a beautiful room. Love the wall hanging of the roosters and how you decorated your ceiling lamp with the little pumpkins. Very creative. And those pumpkins lined up outside? Lovely! Thanks for sharing the pics with us. xxoo


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