Wednesday, September 22, 2010


No, I am not reciting a nursery rhyme. ;) Jack-Be-Little is the name of these sweet little pumpkins that I grew in my garden this year. Aren't they just the cutest 'lil things?

You can bet that these little guys will be sprinkled around our house making our home look oh so fall like! I have been slowly bringing fall into our home. Don't worry....this is not the only one I have....there are plenty more where this one came from.

One of these days I am going to give you a glimpse of how I have these little treasures tucked around our house. I love autumn....the colors in shades of reds, browns, goldens and the smells like that of our fields being harvested and spices. What do you love about fall?


  1. Hey there Farmchick!
    Seems like forever and a day since I've stopped by!
    LOVE the itty bitty pumpkins!
    I love the smells of fall. You know, burning leaves, the chill in the air. Sweater weather 'round these parts!

  2. OH, I am so envious of you, I lost all my pumpkins due to the dry conditions! Usually I put them all around the farm, the little jack-be-little's, I put them on the porch railings and in with gourds in bushel baskets.
    Can't wait to see pics of your place all decorated.
    I love the turning of the leaves each day you can see them changing!
    take care

  3. I love the smell of spiced cider, the crackle of the leaves, the colorful trees, and crispness of the cool air. I can't think of anything I DON'T like about Fall!

  4. The bugs got to my punkin vine. I only got 1 little bitty punkin. I am jealous of your booty of punkins! You are so lucky!!!!

  5. Definitely the colors and smell of Fall are my favorite...Ahhh just love them!!! But I don't so much love the Winter that follows :(

  6. Happy Fall! I love those little pumpkins!! I love using them for seasonal displays as well! Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Hey, I have written the name of these beauties down so I can look for them next spring. I plan on getting some more decorating done this weekend. Our leaves are falling extremely early and we may have enough to make a scarecrow this year before Halloween. Thanks for stopping by :) Take Care :)

  8. Thanks for stopping over! I have entered you. Don't forget to stop by again for more chances. Every day is another chance.

  9. I love your little pumpkins. We have tried to grow them before with no success. Our garden included tomatoes, peppers, lots of okra, cantelope, and a few other things that did not grow. We just started a little orchard a couple of years ago so we are still waiting on that sweet goodness to come in.

  10. I need to grow my own next year...way cheaper than buying all those gourds and pumpkins!

  11. Anyone with the name Farmchick I MUST check out their blog....! Not sure where I 'found' you from - but what a delight. LOVE the blog, the bitty pumpkins, and the fantastic pictures!
    I'll be back.
    Blessings on you ~

  12. They are so cute! I would love to just have a bowl of them on my bench!

  13. Hey,
    So glad you stopped by or stumbled upon my blog. I love your sweet baby calf pictures. I have a thing for those sweet animals. We had one in the back yard for about 6 months....I sure miss BOY. That was as manly of a name as he had. Stop by anytime.

  14. Hey,
    So glad you stopped by or stumbled upon my blog. I love your sweet baby calf pictures. I have a thing for those sweet animals. We had one in the back yard for about 6 months....I sure miss BOY. That was as manly of a name as he had. Stop by anytime.

  15. You're right I needed to stop by but I have a dickens of a time with blogs that play music. I have a 1 gig limit on my uploads and downloads and any music or video (I really have to avoid You Tube which is so sad) eats that up like crazy. Loved those little pumpkins. What great little decorations they can be, eh?

  16. I am so envious! We have a small homestead, we would absolutely be in heaven with a real farm!

    Love your little pumpkins! My favorite color is bright orange, so of course I love Halloween.

    Saw you on Ms. Kathie's blog Hillbilly Debutaunte. Had to check out some one's blog with the name Farmchick.

  17. What a beautiful bounty of pumpkins. Enjoy! Blessings to you and yours!

  18. Oh those are so cute and will be lots of fun to decorate your home with! I have a list of things about fall on my blog...there's so much to love...I just wish it wasn't in the 90's here! lol! I'm ready for that chill in the air!

    Have fun decorating and have a great weekend!

    Oh, and I made your coffee cake and it was enjoyed by all! Thanks for sharing!

  19. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I enjoy meeting new people. We are very excited about our new lil one and can't wait to hold a healthy baby.

    I just love your pumpkins. Maybe we will plant some next year for the baby to have : )

    Stop by anytime.

  20. Even though we haven't had much in the way of Fall yet, I love the crisp air, the smell of wood smoke, spiced candles, leaves turning ... oh, just about everything. :) xxoo

  21. Love these little pumpkins. I really wish I had a spot I could grow fun stuff. You are quite the busy lady!!

  22. I love all your lil pumpkins! I bet your house is just too cute!

  23. I love the colors of fall, especially the different shades of orange.
    And Halloween is my favorite holiday.
    Normally, I'm not so excited to see fall arrive because I know it brings winter with it.
    But this year it has been so hot and so dry that I am welcoming fall with open arms.

  24. What cuties those are. I just bought some this afternoon, both white and orange.

    Can wait to see where you tuck them.

  25. I love those small pumpkins! They look so cute all around the house!

    I love the colors of fall, the excitement of the harvest and an end in sight for a hard years labor!


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