Friday, January 29, 2010

~Farm Photo Friday~

The view from our front porch this morning.

Beautiful sunrise.

From the rising of the sun unto going down of the same the LORD's name is to praised.

Every sunrise is a present, a gift from God above,
Gift-wrapped with scarlet ribbons and tied with bows of love.
Each is a new beginning, a time to start anew,
While all the stars are sleeping, and the rose is fresh with dew.
Each day's a new creation, too lovely to ignore,
And we may not find a blessing, just outside our door.
We cannot keep the past, like fireflies in a jar,
Nor journey to the future by wishing on a star.
Every sunrise is a blessing, a gift for just today,
Rejoice, my friend, embrace it before it fades away!

~Author Unknown~

Have a wonderful weekend my friends. :)


  1. Beautiful sunrise! The rise and set of the sun is always an amazing thing for me.

  2. We have had some beautiful sunrises here the last 2 days.
    I thank GOD each morning for the new day.
    That is a beautiful photo that you got. I have tried to get one but mine are always blurry. Camera or the taker?
    Have a great weekend.

  3. OMGosh! How beautiful! I posted a sunrise this morning too, but it is nothing compared to your's! It's breath taking! And I love the poem too!
    Have a great weekend!

  4. How beautiful! I love the poem also. Thanks for sharing.

    until next time... nel

  5. That is the most beautiful picture!

  6. Gorgeous Sunrise! Those kind of beautiful mornings start my day GREAT!

  7. Montana and the Dakotas never fail to gift me with beautiful sunrises and sunsets. Every one is an inspiration and gift from God. Thank you for sharing this photo with us! I've been away from my Montana/Dakotas home for weeks and I miss it. I needed this today!

  8. Montana and the Dakotas never fail to gift me with beautiful sunrises and sunsets. Every one is an inspiration and gift from God. Thank you for sharing this photo with us! I've been away from my Montana/Dakotas home for weeks and I miss it. I needed this today!

  9. WOW! Now THAT would be worth getting out of bed for! Beautiful!

  10. Your picture is so very worthy of a frame!!! BEAUTIFUL!!

  11. Lovely... thanks for sharin'!

    ~Miss A

  12. Wow.... if the old saying "Red in the morning, sailor take warning" is correct, I can't imagine what sort of weather you guys had this weekend!

  13. Praising God for blessing you with such a GREAT way to start your day! Sweet blessings!


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guests around the farm! Come again!