Saturday, September 12, 2009

I've got sweet corn coming out of my ears!

It's true! We have so much sweet corn it's not even funny. I have been giving it away like crazy. Tonight we are going to freeze a bunch so we can enjoy it this winter. I's not as good as fresh corn on the cob but it will have to do! :)

It has been raining for the last few days....NOT good harvesting weather. It is sooo wet that I can't even get into my garden or my sweet corn. Well, I can get in there but it is a big mess if I do.
Today for dinner I made SWEET CORN CHOWDER! I have to try to use as much as corn as possible. I didn't have all the right ingredients on hand so I improvised--and we all agreed it turned out pretty good.

6 cobs of corn
1/2 of a green pepper
2 stalks of celery
3 potatoes
1 large onion
1 carrot
1 pound bacon or sausage
2 cans cream of celery soup
(I didn't have any so I used cheddar cheese soup)
2 cans of cream of mushroom soup
(I didn't have any so I used cream of chicken soup)
1 can of diced tomatoes
salt and pepper to taste

(These peppers are from my garden too!)

Start out by dicing all your veggies. Boil potatoes until tender.
Meanwhile, cut up sausage or bacon and saute with
onions, celery, green peppers and carrot. Saute till tender.

Cut corn off of cob.
Add to the sauted veggies and bacon.
Drain potatoes and tomatoes and add to veggies.
Now turn down heat and add one quart of milk.
Heat chowder slowly until heated through--making sure
not to burn or let it stick to the bottom of the kettle.
Add salt and pepper to taste.
You are done! :)

Sweet Corn Chowder--that's what's for dinner
in Farmchick's kitchen today! :)
Thanks for stopping by and as always
thanks for your comments!!
Have a great Saturday!!!!


  1. My hubby loves corn chowder but I've never made it. But your recipe sounds so great that I copied it and am going to surprise him some night and do it, sugar! That'll probably get his ears perked up! Hah. I think I'll use the cream of chicken soup and not put in the meat though since we're both doing weight watchers and can't afford the points meat has. Sigh..... sounds wonderful though.

  2. This looks really tasty..and I don't think it matters much about the change of soups,I do that quite often..I will have to try this recipe...hope you get all the corn taken care of..

  3. How dare you make such a delicious post when I have not eaten all day?

    I love corn chowder, thanks for the recipe.

    Enjoy the corn and what you share will come back in other ways.

  4. I sure wish I had some of that sweet corn.. I can taste it now. Cooked in the oven cream style like my mama use to make in a big old iron skillet..Love your blog. I am not a blogger but I have about 50 I read every day.

    ruth hunter

  5. YUMMO!! I think your substitutions sound perfect!!

  6. It sounds like it has been a great year for sweet corn in lots of places. A guy hear (Indiana) had so much that he couldn't give away so he bush hogged it under!

  7. Now that sounds yummy! I'm gonna have to try that.

    The yellow and white corn that you show in your first picture...we call that peaches 'n cream corn. It's a favorite around here!

    We've had lots of rain, too. My husband has 12 yards that he mows (after he gets home from his regular job). It's been very challenging to mow with all of this wet weather we've had this summer.

    Check out my blog when you can...I posted a recipe for Chicken & Dressing Casserole.

    I hope the rest of your weekend's a great one!

  8. That looks so good!! It may not taste like its fresh from the garden! But if its fresh from the garden to your freezer its better then what you buy in the store. Thats one less thing you have to buy thru the winter!

  9. Yummmm! Looks wonderful- don't you love it when you can throw stuff together and it comes out delicious? lol I usually have chicken in the freezer and my family loves it when I throw together a pot of chicken corn chowder- perfect for cooler weather! Thanks for sharing your version :)


  10. Thanks for the post.. the pictures are making my mouth water... Yum

  11. Another tummy warming recipe! You really are making me hungry with this one. Thanks so much for keeping us well fed with your wonderful recipes. My friend, Andy, is really going to like this one. xxoo

  12. That corn sounds heavenly! Wish I was your neighbor :-)

  13. Corn is my absolute favorite veggie! Yours looks delicious, and I am sure I would enjoy your corn chowder! I am going to have to give it a try when it cools down here in Texas. What is the temperature up there right now? Are things cooling down?

  14. I've never eaten corn chowder. But it looks delicious!

  15. It might not be fresh off the cob but frozen homegrown sweetcorn is better than that stuff out of the store any day. You will be blessed by it this winter. I did not have any last year and we sure did miss it. Got mine up this year not as much as I would like. But I'am thankful fo what I had. It came on the same time the kids were at fair that explains it.

  16. Oh my gosh, that sounds soooo yummy!!! Too bad my Hubby wouldn't eat it :( Maybe I'll have to make when he's out of town working!!

    Hope the weather starts cooperating better for you!!

  17. YUM! Some of the best recipes are those we make up as we go along. That looks so good!

    I hope the weather has gotten better for the harvesting by now.

    Have a great week!

  18. Your chowder looks yummy...wish I was close by to take some of that corn off your hands!

    Stay Cozy, Carrie

  19. Oh my, this made my mouth water! Sounds wonderful! Thanks for sharing your recipe! I've never made corn chowder, but I'm going to give it a try!


  20. Coming from a farmer's wife, I'm sure this will be good. We've eaten some terrific corn this year. I hate to see the season end! Yes, it's not as good from the freezer as fresh; but it beats the store-bought stuff anyday!

  21. There you are...showing us those wonderful pictures which make our mouths drool! Fresh corn on the cob (or off) is one of my favorite veggies...I don't have very many favorite veggies. It's still too hot here for soup; maybe in January?

  22. With the cooler months coming, this will be perfect. I love corn chowder. Thanks so much for sharing the recipe.

  23. I'm so jazzed I lolly gagged over to your farm spot. You're adorable! Love the recipe and your heart for what's true and real. Bookmarked ya :-)

    blessings! lylah

  24. Oh yummy yummy, thanks for the recipe :) You know I'm a soup girl!

  25. Oh, that sounds delish! I love your blog! I'll have to take a few moments to look around some more :) -Tammy

  26. Thanks for the sweet corn chowder recipe--it looks delicious!


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